Pavel Durov’s arrest sets a dangerous precedent
The idea of holding tech CEOs like Telegram’s Pavel Durov criminally liable for content on their sites should worry anyone who cares about free speech, says Matthew Feeney Late last month, French au
The idea of holding tech CEOs like Telegram’s Pavel Durov criminally liable for content on their sites should worry anyone who cares about free speech, says Matthew Feeney Late last month, French au
Airport capacity is a vital national infrastructure issue critical to growth, but we have no idea where the government stands, says Eliot Wilson Michael O’Leary, the veteran CEO of Ryanair, is a rel
Rumours are running amok about which taxes Labour might hike in the Budget and what impact those policies might have on growth.
The financial services sector is leaning into the hype around artificial intelligence, as banking and fintech executives hail its potential to boost productivity and reduce costs.
Some 350 new homes, 40 per cent affordable, will be built at Cockfosters tube station on the Northern end of the Piccadilly Line.
The UK's top pension fund managers are poised to pump billions into the UK's start-ups - but venture capital investors keen for cash may play a smaller part than they had hoped, writes Charlie Conchie
The summer heatwave, along with the ‘sweet treat economy’ pushed card spending to return to growth in August, although it remained below consumer inflation. Card spending grew by one per cent in
The UK economy is “rebounding solidly” and the City of London is reaping the benefits of the Labour government’s ‘growth agenda’ despite fears of an looming round of swinging tax cuts, one o
UK retail sales ticked up in August, according to fresh data, after consumer confidence was boosted by good weather.
The UK’s banking regulator is “extremely mindful” of pushing ahead with a sweeping set of capital rule changes while the US’s reform package remains up in the air, its chief executive has said