Water executives called in for talks with new Labour environment secretary
Water bosses have been called in for talks with Labour’s new environment secretary Steve Reed, ahead of key investment rulings from Ofwat.
Water bosses have been called in for talks with Labour’s new environment secretary Steve Reed, ahead of key investment rulings from Ofwat.
Landlords wanting to shift large London office this year have struggled to find a willing buyer, as nerves over hybrid working and higher interest rates continue to plague the upper end of a market th
Roman, the clothing retailer behind a viral dress that in 2015 ignited an international debate over its colour, has seen record sales as its post-pandemic comeback continues.
The deal, valued at 10 times the company revenue, will see Unmade, which is working to solve fast fashion's problems though tech-enabled customised clothing on demand, work with Hi-Tech to automate th
Pete Redfern has been appointed as the new chief executive officer of Travis Perkins, succeeding current CEO Nick Roberts, who is leaving after five years in the role. The UK-based building supplies f
The UK arm of Fortress Investment Group, whose portfolio includes the likes of Majestic Wine, Punch Pubs and Poundstretcher, saw its revenue and profit dip during 2023 as its US owner cut costs.
The UK arm of pen and lighter brand Bic has seen sales nudge up despite a "constant" inflationary changes impacting its customers, newly-filed documents have revealed.
HSBC is reportedly reshaping segments of its investment banking arm, following in the footsteps of rivals like Citigroup.
Candy Kittens, the cat-shaped confectionary brand owned by Radio One DJ and Made in Chelsea star Jamie Laing has surged into the black, according to newly-filed documents.
Direct Line will list its signature brand on price comparison sites for the first time in its history, having held off doing so for years.