Barclays ordered to review exposure to private equity
The UK's main banking regulator has reportedly instructed Barclays to review its leveraged finance unit amid growing concern over how lenders are measuring their exposure to private equity.
The UK's main banking regulator has reportedly instructed Barclays to review its leveraged finance unit amid growing concern over how lenders are measuring their exposure to private equity.
Rishi Sunak is keen to tell Brits inflation has fallen - but the public doesn't appear to have noticed, a new Bank of England survey suggests.
The company behind fitted furniture retailer Sharps Bedrooms has axed more showrooms as it struggles to keep up with rising wages amid its second loss-making year in a row.
The competition watchdog has launched a formal investigation into the £2.5bn tie-up between Barratt and rival housebuilder Redrow.
Jeremy Hunt and Rachel Reeves have been squaring up to the UK’s pension sector in recent months with threats to strong-arm money managers into backing homegrown British companies - but they may do w
CAB Payments has confirmed that veteran banker Neeraj Kapur has taken over as its new chief executive.
Nationwide is urging members to vote in favour of tripling of its boss' maximum long-term bonus as the building society looks to bring her remuneration opportunity more in line with its high street ri
Videogame developer Keywords Studios has extended a deadline for its takeover by EQT today as the private equity giant puts the final touches to a deal worth more than £2bn.
Property developer Harworth Group has been given the green light to build a 1.5 million sq ft industrial and logistics hub.
Wall Street bank Wells Fargo has fired more than a dozen employees for allegedly faking being at their keyboards, as financial firms crack down on non-compliance among hybrid workers.