Gooch and Housego optimistic despite headwinds
Photonics engineering and manufacturing firm Gooch and Housego (G&H) has held its guidance for the year and remains optimistic despite revenue falling slightly.
Photonics engineering and manufacturing firm Gooch and Housego (G&H) has held its guidance for the year and remains optimistic despite revenue falling slightly.
The popularity of Disney+ in the UK helped the entertainment giant's sales take a giant leap towards the £4bn mark in the country during its latest financial year.
Two former employees of union giant Trade Union Congress were unfairly dismissed, a Tribunal ruled, as both men were awarded financial compensation
Tech firm Checkit has submitted a formal proposal to acquire smaller AIM-listed rival Crimson Tide for around £12m after years of trying to engage in talks.
Londonmetric swung from a loss to £118m profit in 2024 as the real estate investment trust reported a 22 increase in rental income.
Wizz Air carried 5.1m passengers in May ahead of a busy summer but capacity is still being impacted by issues with its Pratt and Whitney engines.
Another real estate investment trust could be about to disappear from the market as a Canadian investment firm chaired by former Bank of England governor Mark Carney is mulling whether to make an offe
Mission Group is evaluating a raised takeover proposal by rival digital marketing agency Brave Bison after rejecting its initial proposal last month, with a preliminary view that the new bid is also i
Chemring's chief executive has forecast a decade of rearmament around the globe after the company posted a record half for new orders.
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