React Group’s ‘extreme cleaning’ services drive huge profit growth
Specialist cleaning firm React Group has released a bumper set of half year results, with profits surging and significant revenue growth.
Specialist cleaning firm React Group has released a bumper set of half year results, with profits surging and significant revenue growth.
Fullers Smith & Turner will sell 37 pubs across London and South-East England for a total of £18.3m to Admiral Taverns Limited.
Scandal-hit property investor Home REIT has struck a deal to claw back hundreds of leases from a major tenant facing a probe from the charities watchdog.
The publisher behind Harry Potter books has boosted its academic publishing arm with the $83 (65m) acquisition of Rowman & Littlefield.
Softcat has partnered with artificial intelligence specialist Sysgroup, in a move bosses hope will expand its machine learning customer-base.
Investment company Foresight Sustainable Forestry has received an offer to be taken private.
Animal care retailer Pets At Home has held its guidance for the year and said its vet growth strategy is “not threatened” by the CMA's review into the sector.
BHP has asked Anglo American for more time to hammer out a deal.
After a huge push from the funding industry to introduce a new law on litigation funding, the PM called on a snap election which now puts it into limbo
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