Easyjet shares encounter turbulence as chief Lundgren steps down
Easyjet has continued to power ahead as consumers jet off on holiday.
Easyjet has continued to power ahead as consumers jet off on holiday.
The competition regulator has written to Nationwide after it was revealed it provided incorrect information to payment protection insurance customers
12 awards were handed out in total to firms from Edinburgh to Stowmarket and Stockton-on-Tees to Powys. but CCU cleaned up with both the top prize and the innovation award to boot.
Candidates can now apply to stand for the Labour Party in Islington North, the position formely held byJeremy Corbyn.
The accountancy watchdog has launched a probe into MacIntyre Hudson over an audit of a unnamed company financial statement
Major residential landlord Grainger has raised its dividend despite slipping into a loss in a set of half-year results in which rental income rallied and the value of its underlying properties stayed
Ultra fast-fashion retailer Shein could favour London instead of New York for its blockbuster IPO, as bosses at the global retailer fail to convince US lawmakers the company is not controlled by China
Future, the media publisher responsible for outlets like Country Life, Marie Claire and T3, suffered from a fall in revenue, operating profit and earnings per share in its latest earnings statement.
The esports team co-owned by David Beckham will compete in the fighting game series Tekken for the first time, the company has announced.
Enterprise technology firm Sage has reported a surge in profit and gaping margins as it continues to see growth across all regions and strong demand for its cloud software.