Competition regulator wins ‘important’ legal challenge over search warrants
The competition watchdog has won a legal challenge against the Competition Appeal Tribunal over domestic search warrants for an alleged cartel investigation
The competition watchdog has won a legal challenge against the Competition Appeal Tribunal over domestic search warrants for an alleged cartel investigation
Susan Hall has unveiled her manifesto for the London mayoral election with a pledge to “stop the war on motorists”.
Selfridges is being circled by Chinese and Middle Eastern investors as the financial struggles of its Austrian co-owner Signa Holdings trigger a bidding war.
The UK arm of American luxury fashion brands Coach, Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman plunged into the red after losing more than £60m during its latest financial year, it has been revealed.
If the FCA deems technology companies' data useful for finance, it will "incentivise" sharing through Open Banking.
After a court dismissed ex-bankers Tom Hayes and Carlo Palombo appeals last month, a new leaked document on the definition of Libor cast doubts on the ruling
Gay dating app Grindr faces a lawsuit over an alleged major data breach, which involved users’ HIV status.
Two men have been charged with spying for China after an investigation by counter-terrorism police.
Train drivers at 16 rail companies will launch another series of one-day strikes in May, it has been announced.
"I collapsed and fell unconscious less than 2 miles before the London Marathon finish line with hyperthermic shock - body temp was 42 and rising."