Oxford Biomedica issues new shares to secure a £17m investment
Cell and gene therapy company Oxford Biomedica has announced a near £17m investment which will see it issue new shares to the London Stock Exchange.
Cell and gene therapy company Oxford Biomedica has announced a near £17m investment which will see it issue new shares to the London Stock Exchange.
A Labour government will allow private equity dealmakers to continue to benefit from a lower tax treatment on profits when their own cash is at risk, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has suggested.
The liquidators managing the collapse of The House of St Barnabas (HOSB) have kicked off their hunt for a buyer for its historic Greek Street address six months after the charity-cum-private members c
Atom Bank has become the latest UK digital lender to swing to its first annual profit, with the group benefiting from higher interest rates and a jump in mortgage lending.
Mike Ashley's Frasers Group, which owns the likes of House of Fraser and Sports Direct, has launched a new share buyback programme of up to £80m.
US semiconductor firm Advanced Energy is no longer pursuing a deal for XP Power after it had three informal approaches rejected by the Singapore competitor.
Premier Inn and Beefeater owner Whitbread saw sales at its German hotels improve slightly, partially offsetting its stagnant occupancy rates in the UK.
Surface Transforms said it anticipates full-year results will finally be published in late June 2024, having previously been expected in mid-April.
London-listed recruitment firm SThree has posted a drop in fees amid a "challenging backdrop" and mass global layoffs across the technology industry.
A Cambridge based artificial intelligence (AI) startup developing next-gen materials for sustainability and clean energy has secured $30m (£24m) in seed funding.